• Quality Leadership Team Meeting

    January 11, 2013 8:30 a.m. 

    via the Video Conference Rooms on each CBC Site

    Present were:

    Dr. Twila Johnson, Chair

    Noemi Aguilar

    Donna Atkins

    Patti Candia
    Claire Fletcher

    Lupe Ganceres

    Kayla Jones


        The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented.

        The QEP Timeline was reviewed. Dr. Johnson stated that the timeline had already been sent to Dr. Barry Goldstein, our SACS consultant, for review.

        The QEP Fast Facts sheet was also presented for review. This summarizes the QEP process for the student success course.

        Dr. Johnston stated that she is patterning many things after Amarillo College including the budget. A draft budget was presented. This is a document in process.

        Dr. Candia asked about the mandatory nature of the course and Dr. Johnson stated that it could be part of the core. Discussion of placing the course in the core curriculum followed. Dr. Johnson stated that most schools are placing their own student success course in the local component area option to make it part of the core. Dr. Candia also asked about workforce students and Dr. Johnson stated that this would be looked at in our five-year plan. With the degree hours max for a community college going down to 60 hours many divisions will have to adjust courses. The need to define “with no proven history of success” was discussed.

        The prefix EDUC was discussed with cross listing with PSYC and that would open up more availability for instructors to teach. Another discussion point is who really could teach the course.  This will be looked at during another meeting.

        Dr. Candia asked about the statement “For all first-time students”. Would this be full-time and part-time? The committee agreed that it should be full-time students who have achieved less than 12 college-level hours.

    The committee returned to the statement of “No proven history of success.” There is a need to define this. A need to serve transfer students who did not do well academically would need this course. The statement will be changed to “have more than 12 hours and have not met TSI requirements.” Dr. Candia also asked about the statement about awarding scholarships for the pilot. That statement will be removed.

        Dr. Johnson asked for a budget committee. She suggested Velma Elizalde, Dr. Candia, and Lisa Garza to review and clarify this as soon as possible.

        For evaluation, track by student ID numbers from beginning to end to track progress. Evaluation will be done based on a pre- and a post-text. Clair Fletcher suggested that the pre- and post-test for students would not be an appropriate evaluation. Compare students who took the pilot on the fall against students who did not take the course in the fall for growth as measured by grade point average at selected milestones.

        Claire suggested that writing our own pre- and post-test would produce a test without academic rigor. She suggested we use a “canned” test. She suggested it might not be measuring what we want.

        Donna Atkins reported on the curriculum committee and members.

        The My COUGAR course presentation has not been made and the winner does not yet know. She will be notified and awarded on January 17 at 1:00 pm in Kingsville. There will be a short reception and QEP kickoff at that time.

        Dr. Johnson discussed the AVID program and the features it offers.  She has applied for AVID training at CBC and will know soon if we receive that. There are additional tools and professional development opportunities available in AVID.

        Subcommittee chairs were announced: Technology, Amador Ramirez; Marketing/PR, Monica Cruz; Curriculum, Donna Atkins.

        Dr. Johnson reviewed marketing ideas from Amarillo College to provide information to all faculty and students. College employees must all know what QEP is and how it works. QEP Jeopardy will be part of the February 1 in-service along with other materials. Jeopardy questions will be credited by all members of the QEP committee.

        Lead Evaluator suggestions for the SACS process were suggested by Amarillo College and Dr. Johnson will pursue this.

        When Dr. Goldstein visits CBC, Dr. Johnson asked the committee to be present in Beeville to meet with him. She will give us the final schedule for the meeting.

        Claire asked how many student we would expect per semester in the future. The class will be taken by students:

        *time students working on an Associate’s Degree

        *time students who transfer in with less than 12 hours working

        *time students who transfer in with more than 12 hours or more who have not met TSI requirements regardless of the hours transferred in Dual credit, high-school students are exempt while in high school 

        The meeting was adjourned. 

        The next meeting is Friday, January 25, 1:00 pm.