• Quality Leadership Team Meeting

    Feb. 17, 2012, 11:30 a.m. 

    Call to Order 

    • Velma Elizalde called the meeting to order  

    • Present: Dr. Patti Candia, Susan Smedley, Amador Ramirez, Claire Fletcher, Dr. Bruce Exstrom, Donna Atkins, Velma Elizalde, Ruth Cude, Glynis Holm Strause 

    • Minutes of Feb.3, 2012 were reviewed, approved, and posted to webpage.     

    New Website 

    • Amador was thanked for getting the website up so quickly.  

    • Fletcher commented that the survey was put in twice   

    • Input Opportunities; Survey, Proposal Form, and Feedback Form will be posted to the Input Opportunities.    

    • Some of the forms will look different in different browsers.   

    • The raw data will not be posted until focus groups and survey results are collected.   

    • Fletcher suggested we have a contest for which campus had the most students per campus to reply to the survey.  The campus winner will get a pizza party on QEP.   

    Convocation Topic Results 

    • Most of the topics dealt with the student success, freshmen experience, EDUC 1300 or the concept of the orientation for new students with advising and helping our students have the tools to start successfully.   

    • We discussed whether or not this applies to dual credit and if it should be available online.  Ramirez mentioned that using Camtasia we could have people talking and not just a talking head or PowerPoint.  Using Blackboard 9 would be a practical way to contact all students.  

    • 80% of all CBC employees participated in the QEP brainstorming session on Feb. 10, 2012.  

    • A new Title V grant is due March 15, 2012 that could help pay for the QEP.  

    • Ideas for a freshman course included whether it would be a one hour or three hour class and if the entire curriculum was in one or multiple departments was discussed.  Each department could incorporate this into the curriculum for the department.  Everyone would teach the same except for the curriculum specific information in a department.     

    • Maximum is 68 hours in a degree plan.  Adding one or three hours could impact each department.    

    • Implementing a freshmen orientation has the potential to have a huge implication.     

    • Smedley discussed how important life skills, study skills, work skills.    

    • If this is an orientation we will have to decide if this is a part of the curriculum or a campus wide orientation that is non-curriculum specific.  This has to be for credit and in the degree plan for it to be paid for by financial aid.  EDUC must be taught by someone with 18 hours in graduate education classes.  

    • If we are going to write the grant we need to decide quickly as it is due March 15. The Title V grant is $600,000 for 5 years.   

    • If we decide not to do what was in the grant then we will either not accept the grant or ask for a modification.     

    • We could add Blackboard modules that teachers could choose from to add to their curriculum.  

    • Develop standardized module for common service areas (ex. Financial) with each department developing its own specific model for its majors. It would be taught within the department depending on degree plans.    

    • Elizalde summarized that the Title V grant is not a planning grant. Also discussed was the need to apply for leader college status again with ATD. This often presents opportunities to apply for other grants. 

    Focus Groups 

    • Fletcher stated that a focus group is a small number of people. She will go to campus and get about 12 students to participate at each site after the topic is narrowed down.    

    • The same survey that was sent out to employees will be sent to students via email and Fletcher will compile the data next week.  This will also go to WebCT and Blackboard so that is goes to online students also. 

    Marketing Ideas 

    • Elizalde: Banners, Posters for participation on Survey.     

    • QEP marketing logo needs to be developed now.  This will be on all the marketing tools including banner, table tents, bookmarks, webpage rotating banner, PSAs, classroom announcements, quiz wizards for QEP, dog tags. 

    SACS documents for review: Velma asked us to review all the documents she gave us (list them) so that we can discuss them at the next meeting.   

    • SACS Timeline  

    • On-site Review Process  

    • QEP Guidelines   

    • Analyzing a Case For Compliance  

    • A Successful QEP 

    Topics for next meeting.   

    • Survey results from Campus Competition  

    • Survey results from employees  

    • Atkins will look WECM course and Academic courses that would work.  

    • Candia will review what other colleges and how they integrate into degree plans  

    • Exstrom will talk to Division Chairs about integrating this into curriculum. 

    • We will develop specific skill modules that twill go into a course with a discipline specific modules.  Standardized modules will be made available to self-contained curriculum that can be used by all divisions.    

    • The modules could be used for alumni and CE courses.   

    • What the Title V grant will be used for in the QEP. 

    Friday, March 2 at 11:30 will be the next meeting. Susan Smedley will take the minutes because Glynis will not be here.   

    Thursday, March 22, 2012 will be the next meeting after that.