• Quality Leadership Team Meeting 

    April 5, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

    1. Call to Order   Velma Elizalde called the meeting to order at 12:09 p.m.

    Present were Elizalde, Atkins, Smedley, Strause, Ramirez, Fletcher, Cude.

    1. Approval of Minutes.  Minutes were approved by general approval.  All minutes will be posted on BB9 QEP folder.
    2. Website Convocation/Student Survey Update (Fletcher/Ramirez)

    Fletcher was asked to provide the results within a couple of days of the convocation and the student survey in a short analysis form to be published on the college web page under SACS/QEP with a notice on the rotation banner on the home page. This will also congratulate the Kingsville Campus on their rate of response to the survey. The whole survey will be sent to Erica to send out to all employees.

    1. Student Success Course Topics from Faculty (Adkins)

    Alice Campus: 54% was student success course, 40% Enhanced Advising 48% Tutoring.

    Beeville: 54% student success, 43% connection with business, 41% tutoring.

    Kingsville: 64% Tutoring, 44% Student Success, 35.4% connection with business.

    Pleasanton: 42.9% Student Success, 37.5% connection to community and advising.                                                                  

    Many of the other issues (like advising) from convocation and student surveys could fit under Student Success. Requests for on-site drop-in day care and on-site cafeteria needs for non-Beeville sites were again represented.

    Questions on providing a Student Success Course included: How is the course going to be taught (by majors, developmental need, full-time/part-time, etc.  Who will teach the course?  How will they be compensated?  Will it be tailored for campus needs. 

    QEP course topics included the following.  The need for early establishment of learning communities, study groups, and library data base research. Learning types, test taking skills, and study skills should also be included in the course topics.

    Since student success courses were at the forefront of the groups, we should definitely focus on seeking some more input for specific ideas from all community members (students, faculty, staff, administrators, community).  Fletcher will develop a paper survey for all campuses where the students will respond to a question to ascertain student buy in on student success first year college experience QEP and ask them what should be included in the course.  Advising will also be included in the paper survey.

    Other items discussed: Google indoors can lead students to faculty offices.  This will build up internal connectivity and community between students and employees.

    • Timeline for QEP (Elizalde): Elizalde reviewed the published QEP Timeline.  It is a work in progress and it will be adapted as needed.  We looked at the CBC Mission and Vision 2020 to connect the Student Success/QEP initiative together.  The Timeline will be posted on the BB9 page. 
    • Intensive review of results and grouping by topics (Fletcher/Elizalde/All)

    The raw data of the surveys was reviewed in detail. 

    • SACS Documents for Review (All)

    Committee members need to review the document Randy Lindeman sent out for any changes to SACS/QEP.  We need a WECM/ACGM to find appropriate course.  Dr. Exstrom is tasked with finding this course. COMM 2301 EDUC 1100

    • Input from Committee (questions, comments, concerns)

    Start posting articles to BB9

    Review Articles on BB9 and respond.

    Get Dr. Espinoza on BB9 so she can respond.

    Glynis will look for some WECM courses.

    Ask Exstrom to lead discussion on adding a course and how it will impact the degree plans, structure of the degree plans and courses in ACGM/WECM

    Atkins will ask the division chairs to give her a list of faculty who have 18 graduate hours in Education with masters.

    Susan will post the survey banner on home page.

    Atkins will research Rider 59

    Candia will post the Best Practices to BB9

    1. Determine date, set agenda items and establish assignments for next meeting.  We will meet on graduation day at lunch.
    2. Adjourned at 1:30 p.m.