

    Deaf and Blind Tuition Waiver

    Tuition & fees includes "all dues, fees, and enrollment charges whatsoever for which exemptions may be lawfully made, including fees for correspondence courses, general deposit fees, and student services fees, but does NOT include fees or charges for lodging, board or clothing (TAC, Sec. 54.364). No funds may be used to pay tuition for continuing education classes.  


    To receive the Tuition Waiver the student must: 

    - Texas Resident 

    - Provide certification that student is considered blind or deaf by the Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) formally known as Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services (DARS). Workforce Solution Offices are housed at each CBC location. 

    - Declare a major/program of study at Coastal Bend College; 

    - A HS diploma or equivalent;

    - Letter of recommendation from the principal of the high school attended by the blind or deaf individual, a public official or some other responsible person who know the deaf or blind individual and is willing to service as a reference; and 

    -  Proof that the person meets all other entrance requirements of the institution.  


    To maintain eligibility for this tuition waiver, student must be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) in accordance with CBC's financial aid policy: 

    * Maintain a financial aid GPA of at least a 2.0 (includes developmental courses too);  

    * Cannot be reported by the institution as having excess hours according to Education Code 54.014 

    SAP reports are run each semester, to check student's progress. 

    For more information, please refer to Texas Education Code, 54.364

    CBC- Beeville, Alice and Kingsville 

    CBC- Pleasanton Center