
    Campus Security

  • Drug and Alcohol Policy

    A student shall be prohibited from using or being under the influence of intoxicating beverages in classroom buildings, laboratories, auditoriums, library buildings, museums, faculty and administrative offices, intercollegiate and intramural athletic facilities, and all other public campus areas. With the prior consent of the Board or the Board’s designee, the provisions herein may be waived with respect to any specific event that is sponsored by the College District. State law shall be strictly enforced at all times on all property controlled by the College District in regard to the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    Controlled Substances
    No student shall possess, use, transmit, or attempt to possess, use, or transmit, or be under the influence of, any of the following substances on College District premises or off premises at a College District-sponsored activity, function, or event:

    1. Any controlled substance or dangerous drug as defined by law, including but not limited to marijuana, any narcotic drug, hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, amphetamine, or barbiturate.
    2. Any abusable glue, aerosol paint, or any other volatile chemical substance for inhalation.
    3. Any performance-enhancing substance, including steroids.
    4. Any designer drug.
    5. Any other intoxicant or mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-altering drug.

    The transmittal, sale, or attempted sale of what is represented to be any of the above-listed substances shall also be prohibited under this policy.


    Anabolic steroids and growth hormones are for medical use only. State law prohibits possessing, dispensing, delivering, or administering an anabolic steroid or growth hormones in any manner not allowed by state law. State law provides that body building, muscle enhancement, or increasing muscle bulk or strength through the use of an anabolic steroid is not a valid medical purpose. Only a medical doctor may prescribe an anabolic steroid or human growth hormone for a person. A violation of state law concerning anabolic steroids or human growth hormones is a criminal offense punishable by confinement in jail or imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

    A student who uses a drug authorized by a licensed physician through a prescription specifically for that student’s use shall not be considered to have violated this rule.

    Students who violate this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. [See FM and FMA] Such disciplinary action may include referral to drug and alcohol counseling or rehabilitation programs or student assistance programs, suspension, expulsion, and referral to appropriate law enforcement officials for prosecution.

    Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements
    College District students are required to be alcohol- and drug-free while on campus, while acting on behalf of the College District, while at clinical sites, while attending student activities, and while traveling to and from laboratory sites. Students entering a field that requires drug screening by respective employers and/or at clinical sites shall follow the standards established by the College District. Drug or alcohol testing may be administered if one or more of the following conditions exist:

    1.There is reasonable suspicion of impairment based upon evidence of erratic behavior including but not limited to violent behavior, emotional unsteadiness, sensory or motor skill malfunctions, or possession of a controlled or dangerous substance.
    2.A student is criminally charged with selling drugs or charged with illegal alcohol consumption or illegal possession of drugs.
    3.A student has violated this policy that prohibits the use, possession, sale, or transfer of drugs.
    4.A student is enrolling or is enrolled in a program involving public health and/or safety.


    Any student who is asked to submit to drug or alcohol testing under this policy is entitled to refuse to undergo such testing. However, failure to comply shall be treated as insubordination and may lead to expulsion from the College District.
    A student shall be afforded an opportunity to provide notification of any information that he or she considers relevant to the drug test, including identification of currently or recently used prescription or nonprescription drugs or other relevant medical information.

    Sources for Information on Illegal Drugs
    • Commonly Abused Drugs: http://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse
    • Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/agency/penalties.htm
    • Comparative Pharmacological Profiles of Abused Drugs http://www.tcada.state.tx.us/research/slang/compare98.pdf

    National Institute on Drug Abuse, www.nida.nih.gov
    U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, www.usdoj.gov/dea
    Texas Department of State Health Services, http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/mhsa/

    CBC joins the nation in its concern for the tremendous losses of human potential, success, and happiness destroyed by drug and alcohol abuse.

    Counseling Services
    Students or employees who have problems with chemical abuse are asked to schedule counseling appointments. The telephone numbers of the counseling offices are (361) 354-2266 in Beeville, (361) 664-2981 Ext. 3025 in Alice, (361) 592-1615 Ext. 4077 in Kingsville, and (830) 569-4222 Ext. 1203 in Pleasanton. Counseling sessions are confidential and referral services are available to area treatment centers. CBC counseling is free.

    Policy on Use of Tobacco
    In order to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of employees, students, and the public, Coastal Bend College provides an environment free from exposure to tobacco smoke. The use of tobacco products (cigars, cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco, and snuff) is not permitted in college facilities or in college owned vehicles.