• Coastal Bend College Testing Department's Security Memo 


    Below form is for archived data retrieval only - use the link at the top of the page - effective 10/20/2021

    Coastal Bend College - Testing Department Security Memo

    All part-time & full-time employees and who will be working with testing materials must read, enter the appropriate information, and submit this form.


    1.  I acknowledge that I will follow all Testing security policies while employed with Coastal Bend College. 


    2.  I'm aware that I can not discuss any information pertaining to examinees or exams with anyone other than other pertinent Testing Personnel.

    3.  I agree to keep all testing information confidential and will handle testing documents accordingly.

    4.  While proctoring an exam, I realize that I can not speak with the examinee(s) while the exam is taking place - unless there is a problem with the testing computer - then I can ask the person to move to another computer and get them restarted with the exam.  No personal conversation is allowed during the exam.

    5.  I agree to give my full attention to the proctoring.  I will not make any personal phone calls, have conversations with other testing personnel, or cause any noise that may distract the examinees.

    6.  I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain a quiet, controlled environment for examinees while I'm proctoring.

    7.  I will instruct examinees to turn off all electronic devices - such as cell phones - and leave them in a designated area away from the testing area before the exam administration begins.  All personal belongings the examinee brings in will be stored in the designated area.

    8.  Unless there is a medical condition that the examinee has told me about ahead of time, no examinee is allowed to leave the testing room, unless it's an emergency.
    9.  I will behave in a professional manner with staff and students alike and will show respect to all that I come in contact with. 

    Enter your name:   

    Enter your phone number 


    Enter your e-mail address:   

    Select the campus you will be working with:   



    Are you a CBC Student?   


    Enter position (work study, part-time proctor, full time testing specialist, etc....  

    Enter today's date:   

    (For Part-time Personnel) I understand that I must sign-in and sign-out on the following website http://www.coastalbend.edu/sscpte/ when I work my shift.   I am responsible for submitting my time through the CBC Cougar Den Web Entry - Fall 2018 also.    Initial here:     

    If position is for a part-time proctor or testing specialist or if you will be administering the TSIA exam - you must fill in the information below:

    I state that I am TSI Compliant - on my college transcript/(s) it shows that I am TSI complete:  Initial here:   

     I understand that this is a part-time position and that the maximum number of hours I am allowed to work per week is 19 hours at $10.00 per hour.   If I work for different departments at Coastal Bend College - I realize that 19 hours total per week is the maximum hours allowed. (If full-time personnel - disregard this item)  Initial here:   

     If there are not people scheduled for testing during my normal work hours, I will use my allowed hours to manage appointments, scan and e-mail documents, file paperwork, keep the testing area neat and organized and other clerical duties.   Initial here:    



    By submitting this form, I'm agreeing to the above conditions for my employment at Coastal Bend College - Testing Department. 


    Created 8/6/13 - RK

    Revised 10/20/2021 - RK