Testing Department Part-time Employees - please fill out the forms below when you come in to work your shift. 

Note:  There is a form for when you start your shift - for your beginning time.  And there is a form for you to fill out right before you end your shift.  On the Ending time form, you will list what duties you accomplished during that shift. 

Thank you!


START Time Form                     END Time Form

Page created on 3/14/08
Revised 06/28/2023
Starting January 2018 -
Here's the paper time sheet link - 
Time Sheet  e-mail a copy of this to me - kreisr@coastalbend.edu when you enter your time in the Cougar Den  - Web Entry site.  

Reminder - if you are remotely testing examinees - look at the - 
http://www.coastalbend.edu/rpp/ for solutions to problems that you might have.